Noteworthy Woodworking #003

Feddie makes a really cool sign with glow-in-the-dark inlay.

Mike Fulton made some wearable woodworking with a cool CNC’d top hat.

Jack always comes up with some unique builds, this is no exception.

Braxton makes a super sturdy pallet chair & the ending had me laughing.

A video that has a lot of views but I haven’t seen it before.  All I can say is WOW!

Ty Moser with his new toy.  He always has something cool going on.  Click the picture to check out his channel.ty moser

10 Responses

  1. Well, Ty is either going to cut down the beanstalk or he’s getting ready for the zombie apocalypse — or both… Good Noteworthy Woodworking, Nick!

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