Shop Tour Of My 2 Car Garage Workshop / Woodshop (ep87)
Shop tour videos are sort of a love ’em or leave ’em kind of thing. For me, I love them. Why do I like watching shop tour videos as much as I do? Simply put, ideas.
Shop tour videos are sort of a love ’em or leave ’em kind of thing. For me, I love them. Why do I like watching shop tour videos as much as I do? Simply put, ideas.
The last time I announced a contest winner I had some fun with it and this time is no exception. We are after all, woodworkers. So I hid the winners name behind some balloons and
Workshop organization hasn’t always been a struggle for me but a lot of the time it has. I really don’t like making “quick” storage that “will do for now”. So I have ramped up my
Time sure does fly by when you’re not paying attention to it. I have April Wilkerson and Jay Bates in town with me and in the shop to make some woodworking videos. We’ve been planning
I figured I would have a little fun with announcing the winner for the table saw sled giveaway. Somehow just reading a name off didn’t seem to have enough “zip” to it. I want to
Anyone in the Milwaukee area on Saturday March 12th, 2016? I will be attending The Woodworking Shows Milwaukee show and would love to meet you and talk shop. If you live in the area or
The table saw sled is one of the most useful jigs you can make for your shop. The sled I designed last year has served me really well for getting accurate and repeatable cuts. Not to
I have been friends with Jay Bates for a while now. He invited me to come visit him and we figured we’d be able to have a little fun and possibly do some projects together.
Hey Guys. This is something completely new that myself, Matt Cremona, and Jay Bates wanted to try out. Earlier this week I asked for questions to be used in our 3 person Q&A. We recorded it