Shop Tour Of My 2 Car Garage Workshop / Woodshop (ep87)
Shop tour videos are sort of a love ’em or leave ’em kind of thing. For me, I love them. Why do I like watching shop tour videos as much as I do? Simply put, ideas.
Shop tour videos are sort of a love ’em or leave ’em kind of thing. For me, I love them. Why do I like watching shop tour videos as much as I do? Simply put, ideas.
The table saw sled is one of the most useful jigs you can make for your shop. The sled I designed last year has served me really well for getting accurate and repeatable cuts. Not to
Woodworking may be a pastime I can take for granted at times. People that see the hobby as either too expensive or too difficult to get into could easily be discouraged. I often times don’t realize
I have a couple projects lined up that will include pocket holes so I got a brand new Kreg K5 to use in those projects. I wanted to make a mounting board to attach it to
Kreg Jig® recently sent me a K5 to use for a couple upcoming projects. They were nice enough to allow me to give one away here on my website. Fill out the entry form below to be
Cordless hand tools have become really popular over the years with manufacturers making more of a variety of tools than ever before. From drills, impacts and flashlights, to now cordless sanders, circular saws, reciprocating saws